The CronosVerse

The CronosVerse NFTs


Buy your Land NFT, develop and unleash your creativity in your CronosVerse property! There will only be approximately 1,208 Land tiles consisting of Plains, Suburban and Commercial tiles.


The Crovilians are the citizens of The CronosVerse. Holding a Crovilian NFT will grant access and allow you to create a custom avatar to be used in The CronosVerse.


By owning a Suite, either an Office, Studio Apartment or Luxury suite in one of the downtown towers within The CronosVerse, you are able to access and customize their metaverse experience inside their digital property.


The CronosVerse offers unique in-game assets such as furniture to decorate your Lands or Suites, or tier-level weapons to equip and enhance your avatar when playing the Purge.

Project Road Map

Gameplay Previews

Placing a prefab model into The CronosVerse
The Purge – Level 18
The Purge – Level 4
The Purge – Multiplayer

Cronos NFT Project Partners